Why did we open a patreon page?
We opened a Patreon page to help cover the cost of equipment for making Videos and Blogs we got our very first Patreon. David Scott of Sailing Yacht Éternité, friend, buddy boat and all round "good egg" became the first to sign up to the web site and became our very first suporter. David said;
"I have been following Ant and Cid from the very beginning, quite literally.
Not only have we become good friends but Ant's given me help and instruction personally and through the YouTube videos and Blogs. I am very happy to be a Patreon. To be supporting their channel and all the things they do both on and off camera for sailors."
It is great to have to have David onboard
We have just spent €200.00 on a new camera gimbal to improve the somewhat wobbly film and improve the output of the YouTube channel. New Patreon's will allow us to continue to invest back in better quality of production and more video's.

Another Patreon exclusive just launched!