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SV Impavidus


Welcome to our website.

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Who are we?

About us

We are Anthony & Cindy. 
Our boat is Impavidus (Latin for Fearless) In June 2018 we decided to retire early, We sold everything to sail around the world on our modified Bavaria 37. Cruiser.  (Farr design)

In our First season we made our way from our berth in Port Solent, Portsmouth, England, down the South West coast of England to Dartmouth and down to the Mediterranean.

Welcome to our website. We are now in season 6. We left the UK to sail around the world slowly. After Brexit, a "Pandemic" and major heart surgery we are still sailing, documenting our travels and showing you what we have learned so far. We are hoping to complete our journey, and travel right around the world even if we have had a few setbacks along the way. We will continue at our own pace and that may be fast or slow. We want to be sure not to miss anything and have stories to tell our grandchildren when we are old and grey.

We want to give something back to those that have helped us along life's rock road and those that continue to support us in making videos that hopefully entertain, educate and give you the odd laugh or even slight titter. 

We believe in a "Pay it forward" life philosophy were we try to help others, so that they will go on to do the same. By sharing knowledge and things that we have learned recently or in the past. You are never too old to learn something new and we truly believe that anyone can be taught given the right teacher or motivation. Come with us on this journey, browse the pages, have a read, or take advantage of our new on line shop for marine goods. 


Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid


Camper Van Lithium. We find the Lead Acid Batteries are toast so time to upgrade to Lithium. Part 1

Camper Van Lithium. We find the Lead Acid Batteries are toast so time to upgrade to Lithium. Part 1
Camper Van Lithium. We find the Lead Acid Batteries are toast so time to upgrade to Lithium. Part 1

Camper Van Lithium. We find the Lead Acid Batteries are toast so time to upgrade to Lithium. Part 1

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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Van Blanc? Off to the UK after checking the batteries on Impavidus. Then working on the camper.

Van Blanc? Off to the UK after checking the batteries on Impavidus. Then working on the camper.

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Batteries Pt 3 Fuses, Breakers, Cables, Crimps/lugs. Do's and Don'ts. Edited.

Batteries Pt 3 Fuses, Breakers, Cables, Crimps/lugs. Do's and Don'ts. Edited.

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Battery Facts Pt2 Charging AGM, Gel & Lithium. Alternator, Solar B2B? Off grid living?

Battery Facts Pt2 Charging AGM, Gel & Lithium. Alternator, Solar B2B? Off grid living?

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Boat Batteries the facts.... Gel, AGM, Lead Acid & Lithium. Charging, Protection Stuff to know...

Boat Batteries the facts.... Gel, AGM, Lead Acid & Lithium. Charging, Protection Stuff to know...

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Varnish Fiddles Fail! A Varnish & Mastic Nightmare!

Varnish Fiddles Fail! A Varnish & Mastic Nightmare!

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Malta to Monastir. We cross the Med to North Africa. Will it be a smoother sail?

Malta to Monastir. We cross the Med to North Africa. Will it be a smoother sail?

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We open a new website. 

29th April 2020

Our First Patreon


After opening a Patreon page to help cover the cost of equipment for making Videos and Blogs we got our very first Patreon. David Scott of Sailing Yacht Éternité, friend, buddy boat and all round "good egg" became the first to sign up to the web site and became our very first supporter. David said;

"I have been following Ant and Cid from the very beginning, quite literally.

Not only have we become good friends but Ant's given me help and instruction personally and through the YouTube videos and Blogs. I am very happy to be a Patreon. To be supporting their channel and all the things they do both on and off camera for sailors."

Buy us a beer


Times are hard.

We get lots of folks that do not want to become Patreon's and that is OK! But, a few people have really enjoyed a video or learnt something from it. Even saved money. Like catching their exhaust elbow just in time before it blocked and destroyed their engine. Frequently they ask can we buy you a beer? The answer is: YES now you can! See the link button below. You can also send us a personal message at the same time. Sail Safe.

4th May 2020 (Starwars day) We feature in a Swiss sailing Mag 

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15th May 2020 we make the press In the Swiss sailing magazine ""

Latest News

What's going on?  Scroll down for the latest.


3rd June 2020 The saddest news..................

Most of you will be aware that Lady Rose our miniature King Charles Spaniel had a heart defect that is common in this breed of dog. 4 Years ago she was diagnosed with it and we were told that she would probably only live another 18 months. She has been on medication since the diagnosis.

Yesterday she was chasing her ball in the car park and barking at the resident cat as usual, full of beans. At around 6pm local time we fed both the pooches as we usually do. Tuna and biscuits which is one of their favourites. Cindy was in the forward cabin folding some washing. Lady nosed up against her leg and she got a quick head rub as we often do to both the dogs. 

Lady collapsed on the floor. I (Ant) was there in seconds and at first thought she may have been choking. In a few seconds I had her in the cockpit checking her airways but realised very quickly she was not breathing and there was no heartbeat. I tried CPR and breaths for a few minutes but it was clear she had a massive heart attack and was dead before she hit the floor.

We always knew this was going to happen at some point, she would literally fall down dead. We had been warned by the vets that this is what happens with the disease she had. 

Obviously we are upset but, it was so very quick.

She’s had the best two years of her life being with us and Oscar. Playing ball at least twice a day, running on beaches and swimming in the sea. She has always been everyone's little princes and brought smiles to so many faces. 

I had to take her little body to the vets to be cremated this morning. Cindy clears her stuff away, toys balls and sticks that she has collected in the last two years. That was hard to do…..

It’s been a pretty shitty two weeks one way and another. We were due to set sail tomorrow (Thursday) and now the forecast shows a storm coming in Friday and Saturday. So It will now be Monday.

Anyway Oscar is improving still and loving his new diet. He’s on drugs for the next 30 days and we expect him to be a bit down in the dumps without Lady around. 

Sail Safe Guys, Ant, Cid & Oscar. 


28th September 2020

New feature to our website. You could save a fortune!!!!!!

Volvo Penta parts list alternative suppliers.

We have compiled a list of alternative parts suppliers including the part numbers and links to the places. you can buy them. These parts are either original manufactures parts or the same part with a different label or packing. They are not cheap pattern parts! The suppliers are businesses that we have used over the years and have had no issues with. Before you order any part you should always check the part number and satisfy yourself that this is the right part for you. 

Many of these are interchangeable across a number of engines so the part may not just fit one engine.  If you save yourself a few £, $, €, then we are happy! But remember to credit us, like share and reference our videos and you could always buy us a beer! 

Finally, we ask that if you find a cheaper supplier and your happy with the quality than you add the details to the spreadsheet and send it  to us so that we can upload it here for everyone's benefit. Send it to:  

16 March 2021

We are still in Sicily! 

The global pandemic has affected the sailing community.

The season in the Mediterranean usually starts for us around this time of year with boat chores and prepping Impavidus for sailing. Most of the jobs have been completed over the winter as we have been in lockdown since November 2020 on and off. The last jobs are to clean and polish the boat including the decks and topsides. However, we normally like to do this just before we leave and at the moment we don't know when this is likely to be. Our plans were to travel East to Greece and Turkey. Again this is up in the air as they say. Both currently have their borders closed to yachtsmen.


We will need to lift out this year as we have a new rope cutter to fit and a new bow thruster propeller. Yes, we broke the new one fitted in August during a storm here. We were trying to move the boat sideways after the mooring block moved pushing us against another boat. The bow thruster sucked in rubbish and the blades were damaged.


Many of the sailing community like us, have no firm plans. While there are travel restrictions and closed borders it is not possible to make firm plans. Brexit means that we are restricted to travel only 90 days in every 180 in the EU. This rule has been relaxed due to the travel restrictions. There is simply no where to go! 

Recently we have been thinking about Tunisia as the restrictions are being relaxed there and they are not part of the EU. The lift will be much cheaper and any other work can be carried out by us. 

When we know more we will update you. 

Sail Safe Guys, Ant, Cid & the pooch crew. 

December 2021

More Sad News.....

It is with great sadness that we have to tell you that Oscar George our pooch crew, Guard dog, first mate and best friend passed away earlier today.

Oscar was a Patterdale terrier. Highly intelligent, tenacious, strong and sturdy. Typically Patterdale’s live around twelve years Oscar was nearly 16.

About a month ago we noticed he was struggling to jump up onto his bed as was a bit wobbly on his walks. We assumed it was just his great age. He was still happy to chase cats, have one thousand sniff walks. Last week he was as very wobbly and off his food a bit.

The day before yesterday he took to his bed and we had to carry him off the boat for walks.

We took him to the vets this morning as he was shaking in his bed and clearly in distress.

The vet did an X-ray and he was found to have a huge tumour in his bowel,one on his kidney and one in his left lung too.

The vet said he may last another 2 weeks or so if he had strong painkillers. If we could get him to eat something.

We knew this day would come, and we would have to make a hard decision, we did not want his last days to be in pain, and stressed.

Oscar slipped slowly away in our arms as we told him how much we loved him…..

We are absolutely devastated. But, he had the very best of everything we could give him. Afternoon tea was his favourite, usually after a little power nap. Jammy dodgers dipped in our tea. 

Sundays we have a cooked breakfast and always we saved a little bacon and a bit of sausage for him. Last week when he started feeling poorly he perked up a bit after eating most of Cindy's cheese Omelette. 

We always joked that he thought he was a real boy. Saluting, rolling over, dancing, and getting teddy for some rough and tumble were some of his favorite things to do.

Oz always had an opinion on everything if you took the trouble to chat with him. Mainly he was a good listener. Those that met him instantly fell in love with his stunning George Clooney looks and strong thoughts on Med fish, Ginger cats and stoney beaches.

There is going to be a void we can not fill. We no longer have a pooch crew.

Oscar will be buried in the woods behind the vets garden in the hills overlooking the bay in Finike. His spirit, memory and starring roles in videos will be with us forever.


Life on a floating home

A few of our favorite photos

January 2022

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Jan 2022

Feeling unwell after an artery collapsed I was fitted with a stent.

The surgeon informed us, that the slight heart murmur I had was now much worse and I needed urgent surgery. We flew to the UK only to find the doctors would not see me for 3-4 weeks and then it could be up to a year before any surgery.

Our insurance did not cover pre-existing conditions (none do).

Thanks to our best friend Anna whose brother is a heart surgeon I got some good advice as well as good news and some bad news...

Even going private it could be a year or more wait. The valve needed replacing urgently and this is a straight forward job if you can get the theatre time.........  

Turkey to the rescue! 

We dipped in to our pension/cruising fund big time, and I had the aneurysm repaired, and a new bionic heart valve.  One weeks wait and  1/16th of the UK private cost! 

within a week I am back on my feet in 2 weeks and back on the boat in 3.  

Thanks to Dr. Besir and the cardiac specialist team at Medical Park Hospital, Antalya, Turkey. I literally owe them my life.....

Now, onward! 

March 2022

We launch a new channel. YOUR DRONE TV is on YouTube.

With drone video and fantastic music.  

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Latest News.

Aprıl 2022 

We have gone lıthıum. Yes we have fınally decıded that the tıme was rıght for us to make the swıtch to LıFePo4 batterıes. We have changed from 400 Amp hours of AGM to 400 Amp Hours of Lıthıum The AGM's were 7 years old and whıle there were stıll holdıng a good charge we new ıt would not last forever. Wıth a favourable exchange rate we saved quıte a few pounds compared to UK prıces. Here ıs the lınk to the vıdeo:

December 2022 Mersin Marina 

Brexit has affected many sailors from the UK . We have to follow the same rules entering and exiting the EU community as the American's, Australian's, Canadian's, and other Non. EU citizens. This limits us to just 3 countries in the med that we can stay more than 90 days by getting temporary residence.  Or to put it another way the other 26 countries that make up the EU act as one country when it comes to travel. As a result we have decided to stay another year in Turkey. Spring 2023 will see us on the move again. Where will we go? Well that remains to be seen although we do have a trick up our sleeve for winter 2023-4 

February  2023 New Shop 
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By popular demand we have opened an on -line shop!


For ages people have been asking in the comments where we got certain tools, or  equipment.

We are not sponsored by any company and that gives us the freedom to say how it really is when it come to kit for sailboats and living aboard. 

If its rubbish we will say so! If it is good, useful or a must have we will let you guys know.

We will find the product at the best price at the time and put a link and description in the shop.

You will not pay any extra! You still get the cracking deal and the seller will give us a small (very small) commission. 

That is (we think) the best way that we can ensure that you get a great deal on things we use, recommend or feature in a video. This way we are not beholden or tied to any company regardless of the quality of their product. 


©2020 by SV Impavidus. Proudly created with

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